In collaboration with Zeina Abi Assy, Director of Interactive Programs at the Tribeca Film Institute, this was a multi-faceted project for the Future Earth event in 2019. 

First, we were commissioned to create animations based on futuristic designs to display four elements: Machine, Human, Nature, and Supernatural. These played on monitors around the venue, House of Yes, to give the event a sci-fi vibe.

Then, we recorded the event (it was frankly hard to put the camera down) and edited a video to showcase the costumes, dancing, and overall joy of the event. 

Finally, we created a cyberpunk title using bright greens and magentas to tie it all together.

Future Earth

Tribeca Film Festival 2019


Tribeca Film Institute


Videography, Motion Graphics & Editing


In collaboration with Zeina Abi Assy, Director of Interactive Programs at the Tribeca Film Institute, this was a multi-faceted project for the Future Earth event in 2019. 

First, we were commissioned to create animations based on futuristic designs to display four elements: Machine, Human, Nature, and Supernatural. These played on monitors around the venue, House of Yes, to give the event a sci-fi vibe.

Then, we recorded the event (it was frankly hard to put the camera down) and edited a video to showcase the costumes, dancing, and overall joy of the event. 

Finally, we created a cyberpunk title using bright greens and magentas to tie it all together.